I think it's fine if SN takes a small cut of the LN payments made on it in some way. Nothing wrong with for-profit companies.
Would love a setting that lets you set a "tip" %. So if i set 20% and I upvote 10 sats, it sends 2 sats to SN (or to reward users if that's an option).
Or something like acorns feature where it rounds up to the closest 10 sats (or X sats) and donates that to SN.
For some reason as a user I feel like there's so much inertia to using a donate button (perhaps you get conscious about the amount to donate) but a more passive option like one of the above seems more fun.
Sure, that could work. Just make it default to some small % and I'm sure most people wouldn't change it.
Most of the sites like Bandcamp that I regularly buy MP3s from let you pick your own price for the MP3s. I routinely round up from the suggested price.
Now Bandcamp, if you're listening, please accept Lighting...
I would support this idea.