I know Muun wallet gets a lot of hate here; however, I like the wallet UX and genuinely want to see Muun succeed.
Three suggestions I have for the team that would be easy to implement are:
  1. Write blog posts a bit more often ( the last was in 2021)
  2. Provide an email signup to be notify when you post a new blog entry or have project updates to share
  3. Be more active on social media sites and podcasts (I’d love to see you comment more here, on twitter, and elsewhere)
I hope you find this feedback constructive and I’m sure others will chime in with additional ideas as well.
I have three suggestions:
  1. Stop calling Muun a Lightning wallet
  2. Stop calling Muun a Lightning wallet
  3. Stop calling Muun a Lightning wallet
Pretty simple really.
You are my favorite Bitcoin developer, Peter ;)
But always remember: "Nothing induces a bigger annoyance than the Truth"
Honest question, what defines a Lightning wallet? A user can send and receive lightning payments with this app.
A Lightning wallet is a wallet that can send Lightning transactions natively.
Doing an on-chain tx to pay someone else to send a Lightning transaction is not a Lightning wallet.
New here so I didn't know Muun was "hated" here ;-)
Muun is one of the 7 or 8 wallets I'm using and frankly it's quite a cool wallet. Not a big fan of the email/password securing process though, but it would probably appeal to newbies.
Anyway, agree on the fact that Muun team is not communicating enough. They are active on Twitter, but mostly retweeting Bitcoin stories and mention. No clue on what's they're working on or evolutions to expect on the wallet. Too bad because their work is quite neat otherwise.
Settle lightning payments to on-chain at a user-specified interval (daily/weekly/monthly) instead of relying on non-RBF transactions.
Great points. Part of the distaste for Muun is how its stayed the same for so long, other projects update constantly. While Neither is necessarily better.
Yeah Muun is not a very transparent waĺlet on what cames to how it works.