I'm a Bull23.1%
I'm bearish3.8%
Just a stacking pleb69.2%
Still a nocoiner0.0%
I'm all-in on stablecoins0.0%
The dollar is king!3.8%
52 votes \ poll ended
We’re all just stacking plebs
I just DCA and think zero of the price, as long as I have more sats than I did yesterday I am happy
im a shitcoin maximalist who wants to lose everything i own trading obviously scammy cryptos i dont care how much its premined or how retarded its value proposition is in fact the worse it is the more i want it my goal is to lose my money as fast as possible through scams and shitcoins are the perfect opportunity i mean who doesnt want to experience the hype of a new coin followed losing your lifes savings when the scammer realizes he has to end it before he runs out of money what a wonderful world we live in i get to experience the best part of it unlike you shitcoin minimalists i work hard every day at my fiat job just so i can throw all of it away on shitcoins i even pay a couple journalists to expose how bad the shitcoins i own are because i want them to crash as soon as possible this is better than sex not that you virgins would know what thats like
Bull trap or bear trap?
готов к супер росту? по какой цене ты готов отдать свою монету? 1 млн$ 10 млн$ или больше?
ready for super growth? at what price are you willing to give your coin? $1 million $10 million or more?
As Molyneux once said: "Stop selling your bitcoin!"
как ещё мы можем использовать биткоин? просто хранить это медленно. давай свой вариант...
how else can we use bitcoin? just keep it slow. give me your choice
Selling it implies you intend to trade it for dollars or rubles. HODLing means to keep it until its accepted as a medium of exchange. That means if you could buy something with bitcoin, then you should prefer to pay with bitcoin over dollars and then replace your stack by selling your dollars as you use it.
I want to slowly DCA into Gold by selling my BTC if BTCXAU > 23.