This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
I would love to see a sats split. Basically every day I see someone who has a SN account's content getting posted without them getting any of the sats. No certainty that the poster would cut the person in, but I think it could help.
We have it. It’s just 100% right now
@k00b, im dropping this in the suggestion box for consideration. sorry if it's already been discussed.
allow the op and/or commenter to delete their content within the edit window.
Pretty insane that Qatar spent 220 billion on the world cup which is greater than their annual GDP 🤯 Think of all the BTC they could have bought...
Low time preference fiat influencer mindset. It's pathetic 🤣
Wouldn't this be high time preference? Bitcoiners have a low time preference
Hahaa you're absolutely right my bad 🤣
Why was the fight against COVID-19 so comprehensive. There was no sacrifice too great it seemed. Even tho it was a virus that shared many similratities with the flu, and would become a low threat due to natural immunity sooner rather than later. But now, in the battle vs inflation its half assed. I mean they havent done anything to combat inflation except raise rates a little but thats just going to make things worse for people who now have to deal with rising cost of living and rising cost of debt of which many people have. And inflation is a much more serious issue, it is a kind of mind killer, it destroys initiative and productivity, it destroys the future so the way the government spent trillions in the war against COVID, which was completely unnecessary, and now in the war against inflation which is a much bigger issue they are doing basically nothing. A complete failure of government if u ask me. Sad.
@k00b the "related" feature is really really cool. It works perfectly! I'd like a link added to the daily threads to a list of past threads in reverse chronological order
This 2022 World Cup is pretty good so far...
What World Cup?
I am boycotting it.
Happy Monday, y'all. Three day work week, so I get 4 days to work on other stuff besides my day job! The website for my South Florida Bitcoin Community concept event, the Bitcoin Vortex, should be online be the end of the week! Other than that, I might also spend time this weekend prepping my PC to go from Windows 8.1 to Linux. Maybe I'll decide which implementation of linux I'll use. Hope everyone else has a productive and pleasant week.
а ДНК можно заморозить в биткоине?
You can always partition your system to use both operating systems, too.
I have Windows and Ubuntu on my laptop. I mostly use Ubuntu for day to day stuff, but Windows is better for some applications (gaming comes to mind).
And maybe excel?
Indeed. Can't live without it!
I don't have an readily available windows license to upgrade my system. An original Windows 8.1 desktop, this device may even require hardware upgrades for compatibility with Windows 11? I don't know. I don't want to keep using Windows, however. What gaming can't you do on Linux?
I'm pretty sure you don't need a license to install and run newer versions of Windows these days (it's been a while since I last did it though). I guess some features might be restricted, but nothing too important if it's not your main OS. I sure as hell didn't pay for a license anyway. :P
Gaming kinda sucked on Linux in general when I last tried it. Lots of tinkering required to get things working. I've heard it's a lot better these days though.
I expect Steam to work without having to tinker ^_^
I'm considering the linux move myself. Did Ubuntu 5 or 6 years ago but got lazy and switched back to evil windows. Hopefully this will finally cement my commitment to linux.
Currently on my Linux journey it hasn’t been easy