Thanks for trying to communicate sense into them. I doubt they'll care. The types of people behind these projects are the SJW larpers with fox tail plugs coming out of their asshole that hate other people being successful. They aren't doing these git projects because github is doing censorship (which in fact has LESS censorship than them). They're doing it because Github won and built a massively successful company off of a protocol that a big company bought and these people HATE that. Just look at the Mastodon communities, same types of larps. The second someone does something they don't like, they scheme to punish them like their absent father's never did.
I had some emails back and forth between the asshole that runs source hut months ago and same type of dude. He made it clear I wasn't welcomed. They hate the idea that they didn't get in on bitcoin when they found out about it and other people are successful. Meanwhile in love with stripe and government controls. I don't get it other than they are FOSS larps that want to stay within their own happy go lucky world that they built for themselves online.