Subscription hell and KYC is nothing less than disrespect towards the customer. I, as a potential customer, am offended by them and often cancel transactions I find intolerable.
Using cash and trust to transact is so much more lubricated. I’ve bought Maple Syrup from @beisnerds with bitcoin and it was the best internet buying experience I’ve ever had. I send cash and shipping address, you send the product, easy. And nobody else needs to know about it.
Yes it requires a little trust aka risk, but people should learn absolute safety is an illusion and there’s risk inherent in everything. The most I’m risking in my tx is the price of the product without compensation in the form delivery of the product.
Bitcoin doesn’t need to fix the problem of people lying to each other, it just needs to be a better money. Mission accomplished.
KYC and subscription customers risk much more in the form of stress, hoop jumping, and private information leaks.