Stacked my first sats in 2016 as a single mom living in poverty. A friend said "you should buy bitcoin"... no way I had time or ability to buy some mysterious coin. So he did what any good bitcoiner should do and became my "satoshi faucet friend" and mentored me on how to earn sats.
My satoshi faucet friend was smart, he hired me for a lot of small projects which required me to go through the repetition of learning how to transact. He also taught me how to buy things with bitcoin and schooled me on the benefits of keeping bitcoin in the bitcoin economy.
My friend also made me promise him one thing "when I teach others about bitcoin, I must also mention the importance of meditation". Meditation made a huge difference in his money journey!
I started meditating in 2016 and that combined with bitcoin pulled me out of a very dark place in life.
So as you stack sats, make sure to strengthen your mind, you'll make better bitcoin (and life) decisions for sure! Inner Engineering by Sadhguru is one of the best in the world.
Huberman Lab has an in-depth podcast (also found on Fountain.FM the podcast app that pays you in sats to listen)... on the science and stats that support the benefits of meditation. Which show meditation impacts every area of your life in extremely positive ways. Sadhguru is an enlightened meditation master and easy to find his content on YouTube.
I've been privately tutoring people on bitcoin for the past few years, now out here building in public. If you believe we need to stregthen the bitcoin circular economy by getting small businesses and solopreneurs transacting with bitcoin - please support my work, follow me on twitter and youtube @SatoshiTutor
If you know of business owners who accept bitcoin for payment or teach business owners how to accept payment, please connect us.
Welcome, and you wrote one terrific bio!
Thank you! and congrats on being an attorney who is 60+ running you own node :)
Learning how to run my own node is on my list of things to learn and implement. I have an IT background and I'm still intimidated - you've added some extra inspiration!
many blessings for a fulfilling bitcoin life journey
Welcome aboard!