I was curious and thought this was worth sharing...
Using an AI text generator, I typed in "Lightning Network, with sub keywords of 'Bitcoin', 'Visa', and 'Growth' and generated a 500 word article...
Here is the exact output...
How to Get Started With the Lightning Network
Using the Lightning Network, you can make instant payments with anyone in the world. This is a technology that has been in development for the past few years. It is based on the Bitcoin network and allows anyone to send money to anyone, anywhere. It is also considered to be the fastest payment network in the world.
The Lightning Network can handle millions of transactions per second. This means that a person sitting in a US bank can send international payments in just a few seconds. It also provides a way to deter fraud. However, it has some challenges. These challenges include scalability and enforcement. However, Lightning has reached a critical mass of usability. This is due to the fact that there are a number of companies and individuals who are implementing Lightning.
The Lightning Network also allows for a number of new business models. It provides a method of splitting small expenses. This could potentially make previously uneconomic businesses financially viable. It could also open the way for micropayments. This could be particularly useful for the publishing industry, which struggles with ad-based revenue models.
In fact, Lightning could potentially be the solution to the scalability problems that the publishing industry has faced. This is because publishers could charge a small amount for an article. They could also offer micropayments in exchange for an article. This could provide publishers with a middle ground between the traditional ad-based revenue model and the subscription model.
Lightning can also be used to move fiat currencies globally. It provides an avenue for payment for farmers in El Salvador. This could be the answer for many countries that have poor banking systems. In addition to this, the Lightning Network provides a deterrent against fraud. If you are the victim of fraud, you will forfeit a portion of the bitcoin that you have in your account. You can also report a false account balance to the Bitcoin network.
In order to get started with the Lightning Network, you will need a traditional Bitcoin wallet. Once you have that, you will need to create a payment channel. This is a multi-signature address. You will then lock up some of your bitcoin in the shared address. You can then send the money to another person, but you will not be able to access the bitcoin without the permission of the other party.
When you create a payment channel, you will need to deposit some of your BTC into the base layer. The base layer provides a secure settlement network. You can then deposit funds into your channel by sending base layer transactions to the Lightning Network. You can then send payments to either party, but both parties must agree on the closing of the channel. The channel will remain open for a certain amount of time, which will enable the Lightning Network to verify the funds before closing it. This will also incur the usual fees that the base layer charges.
What " AI text generator" are you talking about? Can you send a link pls?
What if op is the ai
This is, really well written 😳
It's almost scary how good this is...and then to consider it took three keywords and a button click... I don't know how I feel about this yet 😮
I am now convinced that every single person on the internet is just an AI
💯 - I'm now browsing all of these AI text sites - even the demo videos are putting auto generated content into things like blogs, emails, DM's, and even dating profiles
AI is getting scary... made this in stable diffusion:
биткоин это инструмент для развития ИИ в будущем. ответ через 5а лет или 50 бтц
Was it GPT-3?
I don't know what is used behind the scenes, but I used this site: https://www.articleforge.com/
Which text generator was this?
если ии на это способен уже. то пусть докажет голосованием на биткоин.
AI knows everything about us. Because we write everything on the internet and she reads it. It's amazing.
Clearly MSM can be replaced by AI and we'll all be better off.
а можешь спросить у ии? биткоин вирус или антивирус? если нет антивируса для биткоина? если биткоин вирус, то кто является антивирусом?