1,751 sats stacked
stacking since: #114506longest cowboy streak: 1
Co-founder of Diamond Hands
Welcome to SN! Lovely to see you are supporting RGB! So much powerful and amazing possibilities coming...
hi, yes we are working with Fulgur and the RGB team on an Umbrel wallet. We are also going to release an overview report on Client-Side Validation model and token protocols on Bitcoin and Lightning very soon. Stay tuned!
Do you encourage members to run "node in a box" like Umbrel or a more DIY approach?
I encourage people to start from Umbrel. Then once they get more familiar with the concept, they'll naturally see tradeoffs between those RasPi solutions vs more of a DIY approach. I think this is better than expecting people to become an expert from the very beginning. The learning curve is steep for most users and I think Umbrel is playing an very important role in the ecosystem.
Welcome! Can we expect an AMA soon?
Well, here I am(a) already. Couldn't be any sooner! :-)
Welcome aboard!