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54 sats \ 0 replies \ @moray OP 8 Aug 2023 \ parent \ on: Doesn't Robosats' advice on Amazon gift cards defeat the point? bitcoin
True, and maybe I'm overthinking things thinking in a worst case scenario, but if it's under the thousands it probably doesn't matter, in which case if you're really worried you could spread the spending out over different apps/cards and further obscure what's happening.
And I agree with you on the tax thing, my problem is not really with government laws as they stand, but rather as they could become, not to mention third party risk. You never know what they'll think of Bitcoin in the future, and I'm not sure I see things trending in the right direction. So I have more peace of mind knowing that they (or any other party intent on confiscating it) simply don't know that I'm a target in the first place, so when/if they do start going after people in a hypothetical potential future, there's plausible deniability. Not to mention that, yeah, the US govt does get hacked and so therefore I shouldn't trust them to know as it stands, nevermind the future.