786,778 sats stacked
stacking since: #28117longest cowboy streak: 33
Nostr nprofile: nprofile1qqsgxnqt20ytx0s2658ug5jwz8c9q6kxflkjhemzne54ztya9kn5x6gpz9mhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejj7qg4waehxw309ajkgetw9ehx7um5wghxcctwvsq32amnwvaz7tmwdaehgu3wd45kcmm49ekx7mqpzdmhxue69uhhqctfvsh8xur0wfjjuamnqyd8wumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytn4wdjkcetnwdeks6t59e3k7cexj65
Ask me about a Bitcoin account vs a Bitcoin Wallet https://www.proofofkeys.com/ [Jan/3βžžβ‚ΏπŸ”‘βˆŽ]
LN wallets are your spending wallet money I like this LN wallet: https://phoenix.acinq.co/ (will update when I find a better one)
On-chain wallets are your savings storage vault I like this On-chain wallet: https://sparrowwallet.com/ A different way to think about savings vaults https://wizardsardine.com/liana/
ruby developer
CTV was made by Jeremy Rubin and I guess I caught the Rubin so that's why my face looks a little weird now.
Welcome ninja! πŸ€—
Replit πŸ™Œ
Welcome aboard!