pull down to refresh


Donations can be sent here, straight to owner Nosihle's @blinkbtc wallet: nosihle@blink.sv I'm not

If you want to help these people, there's a LN address for them at the end of the video - motivperu@blink.sv

node to RECEIVE bitcoin from SN via ThunderHub https://stacker.news/items/705629 How to attach your Blink.sv

Here's some related links: https://x.com/_pretyflaco https://blink.sv https://adoptingbitcoin.org https

Her Lightning Address is: tecolota@blink.sv I sent her a nice tip with a message, to remember me.

Orangepilled the venue manager, help make it stick villaremember1@blink.sv Both recieved their first ... GI4Z9jsXsAAMkar.jpg photo_2024-03-16_15-00-10.jpg Orangepilled an 11 years old boy, help make it stick tristan@blink.sv

Blink (custodial): https://blink.sv (require to create an account and then internally swap to your self-custodial

explore how Bitcoin adoption began and to what extent it has progressed in Suriname. ...read more at blink.sv

more: http://tierrabendita.net S/O @The_BitCafe & @swilmarth ⚡criptoluis@getalby.com ⚡criptoluis_@blink.sv

For those that already have signed up, here blow the... 1.0 Requirements [x] 1 Blink.sv verified account

Oracle Source: https://stablesats.com/#how-it-works If you haven't tried Stablesats, head over to blink.sv

That's when we spoke to one of the Blink Wallet (blink.sv) devs who suggested "Hey, why don't you just

I also have a Blink Lightning wallet: gpvansat@blink.sv. ... For example, George's Lightning address is georgetofo@blink.sv.

The new guide about how to attach your Blink.sv wallet to SEND sats to SN is out!

Coinos.io wallet and HODL 𝚙𝚑𝚘𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚡𝚍 node Self-hosted LNbits LND node via ThunderHub Blink.sv

/from SN How to attach your LND node to RECEIVE bitcoin from SN via ThunderHub How to attach your Blink.sv

s=20 SUPPORT BITCOIN ONLY JOURNALISM ⚡criptoluis@8333.mobi ⚡criptoluis@getalby.com ⚡criptoluis_@blink.sv

@blink.sv enid@blink.sv jamaicaqueen@blink.sv twilight20@blink.sv keaoswa11@blink.sv chiefyb@blink.sv ... noela@blink.sv harajukubarbie@blink.sv amanimwangeni@blink.sv doublemz@blink.sv modizo@blink.sv rastaflani ... some success in his orange pilling as he has posted blink addresses for some newbies: KiagraphyMedia@blink.sv

. 🏀✨ #FridayNightLights #BTC #Tanzania You can #zap powa@blink.sv to support this event https:/

s=20 Also, consider tipping me here or at criptoluis_@blink.sv, as Independent Bitcoin only journalism

reserve currency and how a Strategic Bitcoin Reserve might make sense in that scenario. ...read more at blink.sv