Goodies nostr crossposting (via @bitcoinplebdev) requires nip-07 extension only applies to discussions
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Project: Joinstr @ BOLT.FUN Tags: #brainstorm #bitcoin-design #nostr #activity #discussion Original ... ecurrencyhodler @fiatjaf @jeff @achow101 Stay updated on Joinstr's progress through Nostr
As the title says, I'm not on Nostr. I use X and don't really see the added value of Nostr.
I just wanted to share the recent BTC journey, About two weeks ago I came across Nostr and instantly
And that is exactly where nostr comes in. ... I can't reach other conclusion than: Bitcoin and Nostr fix this. ... Keybase got the idea right, but Nostr is uniquely positioned to solve this problem. ... Here are my current thoughts on how nostr could improve the experience for both users and developers ... Could nostr's web of trust be the missing ingredient in the secure transmission of packages?
We're a team of Bitcoin, Lightning, Nostr and open-source passionates, with a mission of making Lightning ... securely etc., but we are also behind development of various developer tools, like WebLN, Nostr Wallet ... product is the Alby Browser Extension, that lets users do various lightning magic in your browser, use Nostr
A few projects ideas: Nostr login: login to nostr web clients using Breez (a-la LNURL-Auth) or add great ... I want to explore different use cases of integrating Nostr functionality in Breez. ... Nostr web client in Breez's Apps section with auto login (a-la WebLN integration). ... Add a full blown nostr client to Breez in its own section (like the podcast player). ... Use Nostr for podcast episode comments: The first commenter creates a text event that says something
And the use of nostr - the killer apps need to come into focus and into headlines. ... much, and devs need to stop naming everything -str and clients most stop recommending follows of just nostr
nice to haves nostr login (via @ekzyis) you can now login with nostr and link nostr as an auth method ... to your account if you have a nostr browser extension installed nostr zap metadata in notifications ... when your wallet receives a nostr zap (via @ekzyis) we link to the npub of the nostrich that zapped
any Nostr clients. ... More and more people started using Nostr, but not many people talk about how to use it safelyโNostr is ... Have fun Nostring! ๐ ... delete anything in Nostr. ... Link the LN address to your Nostr Put username@yourdomaindotcom or yourdomaindotcom into your Nostr
Introducing Nostr Playground: Dive Deep into the World of Nostr! ... I'm thrilled to unveil Nostr Playground, your go-to hub for all things on Nostr. ... Why Nostr Playground? ... So, dive in, get your hands dirty, and explore the vast universe of Nostr. ... Visit Nostr Playground now! Happy experimenting! ๐
Stacker News is now on Nostr, and we'll be sharing some of the top SN stories there moving forward.
What are people's thoughts on the criticisms of nostr posted here on hackernews? ... In the beginning Nostr was simple to implement from scratch, they should get back to that! ... Nostr messages get lost in time, and many of the clients end up just blasting an entire message history ... We don't know how many of these web Nostr clients are secretly sending your private keys back to their ... The arms race to make Nostr as complex and difficult as possible to implement is not going to do much
If you're logged in and visit your settings, at the bottom you can input your nostr pubkey (64 hex chars ... If your SN nym is k00b your nostr nym via NIP-05 will be Have a great weekend!๐ป