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This satsraiser is a small start, but it’s a start. ... If we are successful, this might just be the first of many Stacker News charity satsraisers.

I can't imagine an online community has satrsaised a hackathon sponsorship before.

I would like everyone's suggestions and input for the next Satsraiser.

If you to your satistics, you'll now see a graphs tab.

possibility that you, @ekzyis, or the resident lightning stats man @kr can post some stats from the Satsraiser

put the final touches on adding cowboy credits, I'm finding I'll need to enhance/modify/overhaul the satistics

I created this account to organize the satsraising projects on SN. ... If you're feeling generous, zap Anita's link below: Anita Posch Satsraiser

I wanted to make a satire news outlet for technology specifically similar to The Babylon Bee that anyone

Currently, the Satistics page shows sats and cowboy credits in a combined ledger, as so: It would

There's a link to satistics on both your profile and on the wallet related pages.

So far, the possibilities are: Satsraiser Sats-A-Thon Zapathon We need input from the community.

I naturally mentioned Anita Posch and the Satsraiser.