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1 sat \ 1 reply \ @03ddc5a2a3 11 Dec 2022 \ parent \ on: What Bitcoin Class are you? bitcoin
In the beginning shitcoins were just a means to continue to use your GPU's when ASIC's started coming online to keep getting more bitcoin. People mined Litecoin and Darkcoin etc for more btc. I never thought litecoin would overtake bitcoin but why not mine it for more btc since we couldn't mine btc anymore? It wasn't long before all the mining services even automatically converted it to btc for you.
He's created a Bitcoin Library, an LN-Client, an Electrum client, and is the Author of the original igniter script. He's currently working on a bitcoin node, and other projects purely in elixir. All open sourced and available on his github page. That is where you can find addresses to help support his work or join in on the development. Thank you!
Nobody was really toxic about bitcoin besides a handful of thirsty bishes on twitter. The scammers who were pushing scams called the sane bitcoiners toxic for calling out their scam. "Toxic" maximalists have never been hateful to anyone and donate hours/days/years of their lives to help educate others.
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After all you helped to bring to light, the appeal should be like the sequel to a funny movie. I know it's stressful though so hang in there.
We need an enigma machine for bitcoin account creation. Set entropy and it outputs bip39 words, xpub and the first receive address.
The US will probably reboot the dollar though and maybe others are allowed to do so as well without the FED.
The US won't lose any territory. It was infiltrated and sabotaged to get it to this point but the cabal is failing. Military tribunals don't seem very far fetched. If the people regain control of America you're going to see a boom like the world has never seen.
Who home-schools their adult children? Homeschool is typically K-12. I'm sure there are online resources for any thing you would like to learn though. Most companies I've worked for wouldn't even hire college grads until after they already had exp. with another company.