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0 sats \ 0 replies \ @987654321 OP 4 Jan \ parent \ on: I don't want Cowboy Credits bitcoin
I can say nothing and and you can assume it all works. 🍆
What part of "Stacker" do you not understand? Or is your own illiteracy as well as innumeracy part off your proletariat charm?
Cowboy Credits are like Fiat without any denominator so they are not scarce. Bitcoin is scarce. There are 2.1 quadrillion sats in the on chain protocol and only 5% are circulating in the zaps and boosts we do. The original premise of Stacker News was to earn sats for reading and posting. It has changed only because of the fear of getting rekt by financial regulators who want to regulate something they don't use or understand and that's the funny part.
I followed the procedure and I went through great lengths to make sure I have a 24 / 7 lightning node running. I don't want some shitcoin.
This really spins me up,
You were here only for the Sats?
What part of "Stacker" in Stacker News do you not understand?
Stacking sats is whole premise of Stacker News. We came here because we were in Hacker News, Slashdot and thousands of other bulletin boards. We wrote and we shared informing. Here we get to stack sats if our content or participation is good.
The cowboy credits are part of the dumbing down and equalizing Marxist nonsense we have already succumb to in western civilization. Dumb down the participants so that more dumbasses can join and pay to play.
It's already being done and to be honest my PetSmart points are more valuable than Communism Credits because I really need to feed my cat.
I had another profile and I retired it. This was the most active. Maybe I had a third, too. I've definitely written plenty here and not just ass milking. Notice I wrote "not just assmilking."
There's no dragging that I can do. I can look at the desktop and investigate. Thank you for trying to help.
I really need to feed my cat.
I've spent more than I've earned. I'm here for the SATs only and not Chickie Cheese or Put Put tokens. If I'm spending sats and they are returned as tokens I'm just stupid.
And this year those groundbreaking projects will get plenty of new company; NASA alone expects to launch half a dozen missions to study the sun and the myriad ways it shapes the solar system. Among them are the Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe, or IMAP, designed to help scientists map the outer limits of the sun’s sphere of influence; the Escape and Plasma Acceleration and Dynamics Explorers, or ESCAPADE, a pair of spacecraft that will orbit Mars to study the Red Planet’s experience of space weather; and the Polarimeter to Unify the Corona and Heliosphere, or PUNCH, mission, which combines four small satellites orbiting Earth to study the sun’s outer atmosphere, or corona.
Once working with my boss at a Light Tactical Fire (LightTAC Artillery) class. We were going over government acronyms that the class textbook was full of. I was a private and he was a major.
He said, "Private, do you know this one, CHVY?"
"No, sir, I've never heard of that." I responded.
"Come on, " he said, "It's Chevy."
We both laughed. The class was as ridiculous as any convoluted Rube Goldberg machine.

We as a team from the Brigade and later Division ended up rewriting the procedures of most of the textbooks and we realized quickly that even the contractor had no idea how to use the actual software or tactical fire product.
The education contractor just showed up with his buddy to teach the country bumpkin Army National Guard guys how to plug it in, turn the boxes on, send plain text messages and wash the impressive keyboards that were waterproof when things didn't seem to work. Sure we will had spit cups and chewing tobacco in our cheeks but we weren't stupid.
We figured it out and we made it work without the Fiat extracting acronyms of military contractors.
This article is another example of the same. Not once is the cycle of the Great Solar year mentioned. Just an 11 year cycle. What 11 year cycle? It's just a given. As if the 12 signs of the zodiac and the 12 months and the 12 parts of the Great Year were merely a pseudoscience. No they came up with 11 years. And when was this 11 year cycle discovered? Probably the same way that climate change has been monitored since the 1930s.
Fiat Funded science is no good. LOL this will be the great accomplishment of the 21st century.
Did anyone bother to reflect on IMAP as an Internet mail protocol? Of course not, that's counterproductive to the STAY IN YOUR LANEism. (SIYL pronounced "goofy").
Below my dates are wrong as I look back I am thinking of Portland Type II , Portland cement is the early 19th century and late 18th century. --Redacted
You are already wasting your time using computer code. Bitcoin frees you to increase the choice of your time. If you are merely concerned with time then you definitely would not waist any of it typing out responses. But you do use computer code and you waist your time arguing about time and that code is just code when you yourself use it to negate the object of code and pretend that you are outside of the realm. Even your nym tells the truth that you are just being a contrarian and not sincere.
The article is wrong. That's my point and the writer does not understand how concrete is made. It's meant for people who do not understand what concrete is. The recipe for concrete was lost until the early 20th century so, like most modern technologies, we assume we know so much but we don't concrete was used thousands of years ago. Concrete also is a product that can be reclaimed.
And with the continued use of fiat that has can be produced infinitely there will be a shortage of food, water, sand, concrete... because the controllers of fiat can front run those who have to work for fiat.
I have an extensive and intimate knowledge of concrete. My grandfather, father, uncles and myself have all been working with concrete for many years. I've been an estimator, form carpenter, foreman and superintendent for many high rise projects, bridges and other civil and commercial ventures.