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3 sats \ 1 reply \ @JV OP 23 Dec 2021 \ parent \ on: Shirt is off, egg shells crushed - I'm John Vallis, let's do this AMA bitcoin
lol. That's an impossible question to answer. I think if people respect the divine sovereignty of one another, they are honest and speak the truth, and they represent and transact their time in an incorruptible money, then that would be a good starting place to minimize unnecessary death in the world.
Don't have one to be honest. I don't use any notes or set list of questions, so the pods are basically just conversations with people. I'd say the subject I'm most interested in, and the subject of Money Messiah, is how bitcoin seems to change people, in consistent and reliable ways, and what that may mean. So I like to hear peoples stories in that regard.
Not sure, I haven't optimized for muscle growth in a very long time. I find that martial arts, hill sprints, body-weight exercises (push-ups, chin-ups, squats), trail/beach runs, give me the best mix of mental clarity / enjoyment / nature / strength / adaptability that I am looking for. I'd say my primary optimization is for mental clarity / emotional stability, and I pretty much accept that the actions which foster those also foster a physical body which I'm content with. I guess there's also an element of reducing vulnerability (within reason), so I do things that would give me an above average degree of confidence in any terrain or situation (fighting, sprinting, swimming, speaking etc.) It seems reasonable to me to optimize for what 'moves you through life most successfully', and then trying to figure out which practices or habits most accomplish that. Simplicity is also huge for me. I want to be able to keep up the diet and exercise wherever I am. As a result, I don't use supplements or anything like that. My assumption is that there will always be beef, an open field, or a steep hill nearby, and that that would be totally sufficient. This also helps for the mental clarity component, not having this component of life being too much of a cognitive burden.
I'm not familiar with RMB, nor specifically what you mean by 'Cosmic Consciousness'. As I mentioned in Money Messiah, whether he determined them consciously or subconsciously (as in, whether he consciously built certain principles in, or instead just 'knew' that to be a success it had to be built a certain way), it seems he 'chose' the right guiding principles . I think the growing, and 'effortless (non-coercive) success of what he built (bitcoin), is proof that those principles align closely with certain 'divine' or 'fundamental' principles. If this is what you mean, then yes, perhaps it's possible this is the case.
I don't use many apps tbh. Breeze I use a lot. Blue Wallet also. That said, I expect that to change a lot in the next year, because I think a wave of awesome lightning apps is coming.
Ya, I agree. The 'unknown' is so much larger than our limited, local 'known', so it's natural that we would probe others for answers, if for no other reason that to refine our own perspective. But yes, in times like these, when the doom scrolling can really make you think that the end is nigh, focusing on the freedom and beauty you ARE surrounded by, and doing your best to amplify or contribute to it (or other things which you deem worthwhile), is probably the most rational and effective strategy.
I agree. 'Ego death' is of paramount importance IMO, so that one can have the experience of the 'eternal unified fullness of the divine present moment', so to speak, and the peace and joy which is accessible there. I do think there is still the matter of teasing out, with ever greater clarity, what the principles that reside in that domain of 'now' or 'god' are, and how best to embody them in daily life. Of course, in my opinion this is the function of much religious story and myth, though sadly I think most people take an overly literal interpretation of such things, and miss the deeper wisdom.
I honestly really enjoy nearly all the ones I do myself. Hanging out with your friends and talking bitcoin, with no particular angle or topic, is always fun, and the Hodl Hangs are great for that. I also love to listen to my friends appear on other podcasts, so when Gigi, Rob, Erik, Hodl, Untapped, Francis, Booth, Foss, Preston, Saylor, Svetski are guests I usually try to listen to them.
The possibility that it was a non-state / non-centrally controlled money was what first got my interest, because I was already quite critical of the fucked up system of money the world had. Man, I'm more excited about bitcoin everyday. All the innovation and real-world uses that are being developed, and what they will mean for freedom, and prosperity, and quality of life etc. is super exciting. Of course, I can't seem to get my mind of the philosophical / spiritual implications of this thing, and that seems to provide a constant stream of juicy ideas to chew on.
Agree with all their doubts and criticisms. 'Yup', 'You're right', 'I agree'. And then when they ask 'So what's your opinion on it?' Me: 'I'm all in'. walks away. Let THEM try and figure out why your NOT crazy lol.
Honestly though, playing it coi probably is the best, as with most sales. I don't do it much anymore. I can't even direct noobs to my pod, because if you're not reasonably far down the rabbit-hole, my stuff will probably turn you further away from bitcoin lol.
Self-custody / seed management for sure. Buying bitcoin is dead easy now, but going to full self-sovereignty is another huge leap. Of course, it's not only a UX thing, but it's a whole paradigm shift in responsibility, which relatively few are willing to make. But, where there is pain, there is opportunity, and it's great to see solutions popping up to address this issue.
Who the hell knows. It's hard for me to see a scenario where there isn't significant turbulence, to put it lightly. So many people are so 'asleep', don't 'own' their minds, I doubt they will wake up in time, and most likely will actually continue to contribute to the acceleration of their own destruction. I think the best we can hope for is to build strong bonds, networks etc. with those who are awake, and who share similar values, and do our best to continue to pursue truth, and express and build what we find into the world and culture we are creating with those people. An orderly unwind of clown world seems unlikely, however that doesn't mean that WAY more people can be saved or save themselves than is currently the case.
Simply: Yes and Yes
That said, I don't think the 'ultimate sacrifice' is necessarily a requirement to embody and live out 'messianic principles'. At the end of the day, the wouldn't be 'the truth', if they weren't supportive of the best possible LIFE one can lead. Of course, confronting death, or other choices of extreme consequence, can often require you to 'reveal' what the principles which animate you truly are, and that's where the rubber really meets the road. Perhaps the easiest way to put it is - If you're not willing to die for them, are they really your most deeply held principles? (Probably not).
Leaving family is the downside...literally everything else is the upside lol. Sadly I haven't seen any of my closest friends back home say anything about what is going on, everyone just rationalizes everything and takes it all lying down. I'd struggle to be in such an environment right now. In my travels since leaving I've met a ton of amazing bitcoiners, which as been incredible. I've always been a bit of a nomad, so it hasn't been a big adjustment.