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0 sats \ 0 replies \ @NovaRift 47m \ parent \ on: 🌰 Today’s Saloon Nut missing string videos
Glad you found it. I removed the comment from Nostr since you have read it now, and to prevent the maintainer of the bot from knowing what you will do. Thanks!
I'm already following you there!
Edit: I've replied to your comment on the post you made (on Nostr) about Outlook not delivering your favorite newsletters. And don't reply to this comment; I suspect a bot or its maintainer might be scanning all your comments and posts. Thanks
Hi @BlokchainB! I've DMed you a solution to this Bot problem on Nostr. Have you received it? I hope it will work
Are bots still able to take these cashu nuts? I've thought of a solution I'll send you on Nostr; maybe it would be helpful for you. I can't share it here as the maintainer of the bot might see it.
I find Signal really good. Telegram is now dealing with so many spammers, so I can understand why you need the change.
Yeah, LineageOS is a better option, you could try this too it's easy, fast, and works well
took me 3 nights one time; i was very proud of that accomplishment.
Congrats on your accomplishment! I can feel it when you go deep into the rabbit hole.
Lack of large funding, like maybe above 100 billion dollars or even more? Plus, the amount of public data needed to train. It's a lot of work, and then there's the question of whether it will be worth it. There's always speculation that maybe the project needs to shut down midway, and all the money and energy would just be wasted. That's why even big techs work like a small startup on these.
Yeah, they probably misunderstood the concept. I deleted everything as they requested, but their email is still in my transaction history, which is impossible to delete. I assured him I won't leak his personal details ever. 🤣
Don't get me wrong, I know it is not a good thing to have a wallet associated with an email, especially if is an email one use. Either case, I still not trust such service, maybe because I know better ways to store my corn, there's no need for me to have someone else generating my seed. I tested, but I don't think i'll never use it.
Very nice way of thinking! It's a good start wallet for early learners like me, but not for bitcoiners who know where and how to store their corn very well. Thanks
It goes against the principle of anonymity in Bitcoin transactions—oops, it's pseudo anonymity because we can view the transactions. Email is literally our public password, and if bad actors find out that we use Bitcoin, the amount of cracking attempts and phishing will increase significantly. I don't think it's safe at all; if your accounts get compromised in any way (cookie session hijacking is the biggest threat I know of), they would definitely gain access to all the linked services as well as the wallet.
I understand your point about how convenient it is, but still, a little inconvenience is better than losing a lot. When people received invites for the wallet, we could see the emails of both parties, which itself was a major issue. When you receive Bitcoin via email, you could see the sender's email too. Now, if either party's account gets compromised, the other party is automatically at risk.
When I gave an invite to someone, they tipped me Bitcoins via email and asked me to delete all the messages containing their email address. I did it, but the person wasn't happy with what Proton did, and I guess they wouldn't use Proton Wallet ever again.
I gave Proton feedback that, instead of email, they should provide us with a pseudonymous address like we get in Lightning, but they said they'll look into it.
The wallet is still early, maybe they'll change the concept.
If they hadn't connected the wallet to your email, I guess it would be one of the best self custodial wallets out there. Everything they made is just perfect
I got reminded of this car key trick as well. I'm sharing this; maybe you'll find it useful.
Here is ChatGPT (search) explanation:
Holding your car key fob against your head can indeed extend its range. This phenomenon occurs because the human body, rich in water and electrolytes, can act as a conductor and enhance the transmission of radio waves emitted by the fob. When you press the fob against your head, your body effectively becomes part of the antenna system, boosting the signal's reach.
This method leverages the body's conductive properties to amplify the signal, allowing the car to receive the command from a greater distance. It's a simple trick that utilizes the body's natural composition to enhance the functionality of your key fob.
But if you press the button more than 256 times out of range, the key and car become completely out of sync. In this case, the key will no longer work, and you'll need to reprogram it to sync it with the car again.
Okay, now I understand why my dad advised me never to touch car keys, or if I did, to avoid pressing the buttons unnecessarily when I was a kid. I used to press the buttons randomly in a row!