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1,390 sats stacked
stacking since: #31062longest cowboy streak: 2
My name is Shane/Rayo2! It's a pleasure to be here amongst other hardcore bitcoiners!
I'm the founder of Liberty Under Attack Publications (a solutions- & liberty-focused publisher), The Vonu Podcast (a podcast dedicated to the investigation into liberated lifestyles), and Second Realm Coordinator at The Free Republic of P.A.Z.NIA, a bitcoin-preferred republic -- our overall objective is the creation of a decentralized Second Realm Network (a parallel society), founded upon peace, Truth, and voluntaryism...
Rather than the coercion and deception rampant in the First Realm.
In short, my specialty is self-liberation. If I can be of any help in building your liberated lifestyle, please do let me know.
Cheers from The Free Republic! -Shane/Rayo2 Second Realm Coordinator @ The Free Republic (Other roles include: Lead Sheep Herder, Permaculture Farmer-In-Training, Lead Astronaut @ The P.A.Z.NIA Secret Space Program/Freedom Observatory (S.S.P./F.O.), Prospector @ The P.A.Z.NIAN Bitcoin Mines, Wordsmith @ the P.A.Z.NIA Lbry)
Welcome aboard!
Hi Rayo! What up!?
Welcome Rayo! 🤗
Where can i learn more of PAZNIA?
Cheers, Pony!
The website, PAZNIA.com, is the best resource!