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21 sats \ 0 replies \ @Scroogey 18 Mar \ on: Bug On SN ? AskSN
File an issue on https://github.com/stackernews/stacker.news/issues
The issue creator can get 10% of the bounty, so could be 2000 sats, even if the issue gets classified lowest difficulty :)
Casa’s Emergency Lockdown feature is another powerful tool. With a single push, you can instantly shut down access to your wallet, making it nearly impossible for an attacker to steal your funds. After the threat is over, report the crime.
Against an attacker that has a rough idea of how much funds you have, and is willing to torture you for hours until you're dead, this may be the wrong strategy. If you prefer surviving without funds to being dead with funds, that is.
Just because you can't give up the funds doesn't mean they believe you and stop.
The njump.me page contains the link to the .mp4 as
If you download that file you get a corrupt video file.
Only the first 36 frames decode successfully.Funny how the AI suggests fluffing up the eloquence without adding substance, when asked for "quality". You could have meant succinctness.
What will the human conducting the oral exam consider a "quality response"?
One that shows how they applied what they learned in the context asked about? Or how eloquently they can talk about how they passed their time?
It's correct?
Bag A contains x coins, Bag B cointains y coins:
y = x + 31
0.5*x = 0.2*y + 11.20
Insert the former into the latter
0.5*x = 0.2*(x + 31) + 11.20
0.5*x = 0.2*x + 6.2 + 11.20
0.3*x = 17.4
x = 58, y = 89

If you click on the image, then the ... on the top left, then view original, the URL contains the answer. The first letter should be uppercase, all others lowercase.
You put the answer to the question into the title. If the answer is right, the note will show up as "cashuB...". If nothing comes up, the answer is wrong.
It can generate passphrase candidates using more advanced rules. But it doesn't speed up the testing (about one try every five seconds) for the KeePass file.
But many of the words on the card are actually in the BIP39 word list. It's possible that the KeePass file does not contain the private key of the Bitcoin address. But instead further hints, required to build the seed phrase of BIP39 words. btcrecover can help check seed phrase candidates by comparing generated addresses with the prize address (which we know). You can also do this manually with e.g. Electrum (Create New Wallet, Standard wallet, I already have a seed, Options, BIP39 seed, enter candidate, Detect Existing Accounts).
The reason I think BIP39 is not out of the question is that the puzzle author has posted on X in the past about helping a friend recover a partial BIP39 seed phrase.
./phrases.py | ./brute.sh
There are 40 words on the card. The lesson suggests 9 rules (one cannot be followed, missing the birth-year).
Picking 4-5 words out of 40 and 2-3 rules out of 9 would take 7411 years to test.
If you pick only 4 words and use only the first two rules, it takes 89 days.
You can try your own hunches/ideas by modifying the word list or the rules in phrases.py.