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1 sat \ 1 reply \ @ae52f929c 18 Jul 2023 \ on: How to Stop Woke Bankers from Discriminating against the Unwoke | Ryan McMaken bitcoin
Are we really so distracted we are now fighting the "woke" vs the "unwoke"? Anyone involved in any side of that battle is straight up smoking mad dick. The hilarious part is the people complaining about people being too woke like 15-20 years ago was inhaling Alex Jones content screaming about the "sheeple" not being woke enough. They apparently woke up and now everyone wants to act upset about it? The fuck does anyone want?
Distractions everywhere.
The computation does not change, only the reward. That is the beauty of it. The speculation is by that point transaction fees will be high. The dream state would be for everyone to be on LN and I am guessing on-chain mempool would be mostly saturated with LN channel related transactions.
What miners do would still be important and critical to network security because they are ensuring you cannot brute force the next block. This guy has a great video on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdaD-HJLycM
Appears to be a wider story brewing of more layoffs across multiple companies https://www.businessinsider.com/layoffs-sweeping-the-us-these-are-the-companies-making-cuts-2023
That said I would be interested to know how the C-suite did for their benefits and bonuses. Those get cut too or nah? I can take a guess.
Crazy ideas attract crazy people. I think it will mellow out as Bitcoin gains momentum.
Extremists find these sorts of things first because of how extreme their behavior is. They find themselves not accepted by most of the world. They find themselves banned on social media platforms. They find themselves in echo chambers looking for the next platform to migrate and ideas of being a victim to latch on to. In some ways they are victims, but they take it to extremes. As extremists do.
If you are that person, then Bitcoin is a siren calling you since it offers the most ultimate, uncensored respite for you to bathe your extremism in. When they own Bitcoin, no matter if they have more or less than a whole coin they already assume they have fuck you money.
They do not. And they will find no matter how much they accumulate, they cannot accumulate a stronger voice. Over time their noise will be drowned. Good entertainment for the ride.
I hope to see more exchanges with LN enabled take notes from exchanges like Strike. You can use fiat to pay a Lightning invoice without causing a tax event on your end. Strike just takes your fiat and sends BTC from their reserves.
Yeah Technical analysis is wizard magic only used by traditional markets as an attempt to fill in information by prying into thousands of black boxes. There is no black box in Bitcoin.
Everyone should watch Glassnode weekly videos or read the weekly updates.
Bitcoin is an open source business and all its metrics can be analyzed just like you would a business. Glassnode weekly's provide outstanding insight into the state of the network.
Wait until you figure out how much supply is being taken by hodlers. It is more than what is being put into circulation.
The success metric I am looking for is when exchanges switch their default unit of measurement from BTC to SATS.
I am excited for Fusion. Not so much for the inevitable politics surrounding it from all the fossil fuel apologists.
I use it to compare content feeds in different regions with more or less their default settings. You can find a bunch of new stuff that way. Are you a web developer who can't be bothered to figure out if that front end change not working but not throwing an error is a css cache issue or DNS? Just load up tor and figure it out later. It will probably sort itself out an hour or so later when you switch back to your normie browser anyways.
Splicing is so cool. I wonder though if all of LN becomes one giant coinjoin, won't exchanges potentially treat it the same as they do on network coinjoins and other ways to mix? Some exchanges will flag your account. This does seem like it would be a bad move for an exchange to do but I wonder how they plan to tackle this.
Nostr is just a protocol that is implemented by websockets. C++ can do that. I think there are some Nostr relays written in some versions of C already.
LMAO this cannot be real. PT is a disaster but this has to be fake.
Then again, maybe they took notes from Blizzard?
That shit is fucking wild and this shit is illegal as fuck if true.
Those things under tor have improved a lot but it is still painful. Things like SSH extra painful because so many points along the network path can fail and kill your session. I never realized SSH could have latency until I tried over tor. It was funny to type something in only for it to actually type out a minute or two later into the terminal. Media streaming is also why I don't use tor. It is actually very useful to surf youtube over tor because the algorithm is more likely to show you a raw feed of content. Great for discovering new stuff.
I want a solution that allows me to securely access things remotely without exposing my ports and services to the world. There are VPN solutions that are quick to install to resolve this but none are decentralized.
Nice! The most common feedback I have seen so far is people claiming that Mutiny is not "really self custody" since the liquidity is not managed by the user. I don't think people understand liquidity and personal funds should be separate anyway and Lightning is confusing in this way since they can often be the same source.
Mainly I don't think people understand how the Bolt 11 wrapping works and why it is secure. I will admit that through the research I did to answer the question I found this info but it was a little spread out across a couple different pages. It was a little difficult for me to understand too. Still don't fully but just enough.
I think that article will help out a lot in giving people a better understanding. This is 100% self custody and even if people disagree that you shouldn't need to custody the liquidity in the first place Mutiny still allows you to set up your own LSP and manage it by whatever way you desire which may need to be emphasized for the extra paranoid.