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Don't you think bitcoins are too greedy? I'm talking about satoshi tips
Are you seriously giving 1-100 Satoshi for a helpful topic or a helpful guide? In the 90s by reading spam and entering captcha on earning sites, I even earned more, although they paid 0.004 cents there.
Stop being greedy
although they paid 0.004 cents there.
You are still thinking in fiat terms... you are waaaaaay behind the Sat Standard we are already living. Think in sats not in fiat. That is the first step, mentally, towards bitcoinization.
Also SN is NOT a "earning" platform. Is using sats more as an anti-spam feature, not as a gainz feature.
If you came here with the goal of "making money"... you are wrong.
I was on early forums where interesting and helpful posts were rewarded with 5-10 bitcoins. Even then it was the equivalent of 2-5$ and it pushed to make content. Now 100 satoshi is just ridiculous. Even if bitcoin costs 1,000,000, it will still be a penny for which you cannot buy anything and spend it on a withdrawal commission or forum posts.
No need to deny fiat, you buy food for it. Try to buy a hot dog for 100 satoshi, I doubt that you will even have enough for the sauce
No need to deny fiat, you buy food for it
I DENY IT TOTALLY because I buy food with sats now. Stop being such fiat maximalist. If you want to earn hard money, you need to work hard for it.
Ahaaha and what will you buy for 100 sats? Tell me?
Please, can you suck my maxi balls?
Another toxic lie from a greedy asshole who has a maximum of $100 in bitcoin ahahahaha
can you flesh out what is this 'sat standard'?
это не жадность... это тест на твоё понимание информации. ты волен получить ссылки. но оплачивать или нет это твой выбор. биткоин даёт свободу выбору. он меняет структуру информативного повествования.