Here is my idea for those with more connections, money, and willing to do something good for Bitcoin. (here me out NoBSBitcoin, M. Saylor, T. Darper etc...)

A local weekly newspaper

Distributed for free in all tobacco/newspaper kiosks. With just 8-10 pages. Simple, not fancy. Bitcoin only (sorry shitcoiners... no soup for you) Could be also crowdfunded with or any other bitcoin crowdfunding platform. Could be localized and open sourced to be spread all over the world, in many different languages. Post the REAL news and information about Bitcoin and counter-attack all the legacy media FUD.


  • 1st page - latest news about Bitcoin (only) related
  • 2nd page - "how to use... xxx" and post a simple guide about x Bitcoin solution / app / wallet etc. Each week a new one. Simple, not super technical, enough to be assimilated by normal people.
  • 3rd and 4th page - interview with bitcoiners. And not only with important figures, but also with normal users, telling their adoption stories. Show the whole world how is done.
  • 5th page - some bitcoin product / service promotion, sell the space to those who want to be there. Could be also like community ads, announcements (ex. new merchant announce his acceptance of bitcoin, or promotion paying with bitcoin). Whatever other things to promote bitcoin businesses.
  • 6th page - readers corner. Readers of the newspaper can send questions and experts can answer them. Short questions - short answers. Give them voice and make them participate, so will be more interested into Bitcoin!
  • 7th page - Software releases, announce important updates of usual bitcoin software and explain a bit about them. Also to fill out the page, you could give the developer the occasion to announce and pitch his software. Make them be heard. If the page is not filled, could be used with other bitcoin ads (many will want to buy that space).
  • 8th page - FUD page. Take each latest FUD news from legacy media and counter-argument it
  • 9th page - Memes. Latest funny memes, jokes, funny news etc. Bring some smiles on the face of the reader.
  • 10 page - Could be just another big page with ads or whatever nice content. Is the closing cover.
super idea.
a platform which publishes a print-friendly art file allowing for self-print and local distribution would be slick.
especially if it allowed prior customization (e.g. localized ads). i suspect people would be interested in distributing in a gurerilla marketing fashion.
an open-source, community driven, tabloid.
Yep, I think we going in the same direction 👆
Well, @DarthCoin something started from here!
Assuming the proposed content structure is really valuable, I do not think the business model to create a such small 10-page zine/newspaper for a small community is really sustainable (especially if supported only by sponsors paying for having ads space there and reach such a small audience?)...
The idea indeed, can be improved/evolve to build a platform that is able to collect different types of content, geolocate it, and automagically generate a PDF that can be printed locally and distributed anywhere by anyone at a really low cost (just need a printer and two A4 sheets)
I.e.: this will allow the ElSalvador edition (in Spanish) to be printed in any Salvadorean Embassy across the world
So the current state of the materialised idea has been designed here
The next step will be to create the design for the platform/website responsible to collect and distribute the contents
Anyone interested in contributing -- and/or providing any feedback/suggestions -- will be much welcomed
The european bitcoiners group would have plenty of translated content to achieve something like this.
good initiative to spread the word also the basis of btc on each newspaper with the same page (someone no familiar to BTC could understand what is BTC)
Like tabloid right? Do you have a site?
I like it!