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  1. Stacking Sats – It’s great seeing the sats go up on a post and in your wallet. It’s disheartening when you don’t see sats going up on a post. But it’s a bit of a rush to see the daily rewards show up in your sat stack – when that happens.
  2. Cost of posting – a single sat isn’t worth much, but I’m very cautious about posting or commenting knowing that there is a cost that I may not recoup. It’s a great way to weed out frivolous posting that happens in other social media.
  3. The statistics – It’s fun to see where the sats are getting stacked from and it’s a great way to go back and find posts that I was interested in, but may not have had enough time to fully read/consume.
  4. The Lighting Bolt – I love the lightning bolt UX when you tip.
  5. Meme Monday’s – Posting Memes is the highest and best use of social media of any kind. When using social media, one should never take things to seriously. Lampooning via Memes is the best way to keep things light, wile also spreading a message.
And the one thing I don’t like:
  1. Narrow Focus - Sure it’s “Stacker News” but I wish the topics posted were broader in scope and content like any other social media sites/apps.
Good feedback. If you could add one topic to the discussion on Stacker News, what would it be?
STEM/Tech hobbies - robotics, Raspbery Pi/Arduino, Sort Wave Listening, home automation (using sovereign tech - no Alexa/NEST).
Stuff like that.
I think there could already be two separate pages for specifically bitcoin content and all the other adjacent content.
Nice to have a place where maxis can talk bitcoin without having "cRypT0" scams keep popping up in your thread
Narrow Focus - Sure it’s “Stacker News” but I wish the topics posted were broader in scope and content like any other social media sites/apps.
I agree. There should be discussions about many topics not just about bitcoin, it will also help introducing newcomers to the use-cases and benefits of the lightning network.
Narrow Focus
In my opinion it is not enough narrowed. Must be even more toxic against shitcoinery and other bullshit crap is posted. We have to separate the noise from good and important things. If I want to read all that bullshit crap news, I can go and read it anywhere else. I came on SN to read news about Bitcoin. Nothing else. If is not that, then I will stop using SN. Simple as that.
Toxic maxis aren't doing Bitcoin any favors, though. I've talked to plenty of people who espouse many of the tenets borne out of Bitcoin, but they're entirely focused on other projects, protocols, etc. Why? Because the crypto world outside of Bitcoin is a more inclusive place. So when they encounter toxic maxis, they just write if off old man Bitcoin yelling at the kids to get off his lawn. Then they all go back to their Web3 clubhouse.
Then they all go back to their Web3 clubhouse.
Perfect. More sats for us. They NGMI. I don't give a damn shit about all those opportunists . For more you learn about Bitcoin, more toxic you became. Why? Because Bitcoin is truth.
And that's why Bitcoin will always go forward, because there are toxic maxis around.
Hoarding and toxicity don't create value, and sounds like the antithesis of Bitcoin.
This is how I passed through all these 10+ years in Bitcoinlandia: with maximum toxicity and earning, spending and hodling BTC. ONLY BTC.
I am nothing but confident in your determination.
Dude, you are a bit excessive, I see you everywhere and you barely ever actually add to the conversation.
Says the guy that barely have 2 posts on SN...
I think a remedy for both issues would be having a dedicated bitcoin topic page and another for all the other crypto, finance, and economics topics.
I literally was just thinking this, I love stacker news and love using lightning network to both log in and tip people. I would like this to completely replace reddit but I get burned out on lightning news.
Agree entirely with the narrow focus.
And there's a TON of gatekeeping and ivory tower folks that are really really negative. Not to mention the name-calling in the comments by some of the trolls here.
truth! Should be a no negativity zone