I'm glad others have figured this out. And that's what worries me because you know scammers are busy iterating away to find every possible form of scam.
It's like the future already happened if you read far enough ahead.
Now, as for the only possible benefit I see from this is running the NYSE using TARO where the stocks are traded using lightning channels, using sats for liquidity.
Now that's something that would be cool and funnel a tremendous amount of economic value into Bitcoin.
This is something I'm just now seeing for the first time and it's something I did not ever suspect until now. This might be huge if we can keep scammers away.
Is TARO how we put bananas on the Blockchain?
We just need to make sure this goes in the legit direction instead of the scam version.
Always have in mind my warning... and think about "qui bono" from all that ?