What is this propaganda? I love Lightning and run a node.
As a more general side note I am tired of all these so-called "important" or "essential" jobs paying terribly, and the workers of them treated about the same.
For as much work as you have to do just to not be underwater as an lightning operator the pennies per month is a laughable incentive to get people to run a lightning node beyond the ones willing to do so altruistically.
No one has any authority to call being a Lightning node operator important if you can't find a way to fairly compensate the operators for their time and effort maintaining this. Don't give us these titles in order to dupe people into operating a Lightning node with unrealistic expectations.
Don't know if it's a job but it surely is a work. And "Lightning Node Operator" is only the second most important. The number one is "Bitcoin validation node operator".
It's hard to make a living as a "Lightning Node Operator", but as a side gig you can try. Regardless, good advice in there.
Start the morning off with some nice sarcasm.