Thanks for coming to my Ted talk
I second this message.
Only keep an amount of sats on here that you intend to spend.
Why? Did you know that for more you tip on SN good posts you get more sats and also contribute more to the community?
Are all the sats you receive on SN such a big wealth for you to be scared? Seriously now, sats from SN are just some tips, not your entire fucking stash of bitcoins. If you depend so much of SN sats, you have a big problem: you are really short bitcoins !
На этом сайте есть монеты ! кому они пренадлежат?
Great advice to self custody all sats. Otherwise it’s just a paper promise and those haven’t been working out well besides a house of cards…
Don’t have a great record do they
Whats the easiest way to do that (I'm new to LN)?
I send mine to a mobile wallet that all my sat stacking activities go and when it builds up I send to cold storage