Excellent write up. Sounds like you are on the cutting edge of lightning development. Personally I am very excited about LNbits and Cashu from a user standpoint. I'm curious as to whether you have played around on nostr, and if so, what are your impressions?
Thank you! Yes, I have played with nostr for the first time just this weekend. Already preparing an update for the Cashu CLI client to send ecash from one wallet to another using their nostr pubkey. It's working!
I love how nostr got a healthy push, it's a great community effort and there is an impressive number of tools and implementations for it available. The biggest lesson for me is that simplicity is key for developer adoption. It's very easy to build a nostr app!
I'm a bit worried about the spam and relay resource problem though. It will be very interesting to watch how different attempts at preventing spam maybe by charging users will play out and also how the relay network will evolve. To my understanding, the resource requirements are considerable and we'll see how these limits will affect the UX.
could use cashu to prevent spam