Just stumbled in here a couple days ago after I hit pretty much the floor of the knowledge on specifics on Reddit and have to say. This is the tipping mechanic I always hoped for on reddit. Lightning is amazing. And I am both excited and exhilarated at what this whole community is building.
I look forward to digging into posts. Asking questions. And reading all of inner musings and workings of this hive mind. All while we prosper off our various views and opinions of this idea and protocol we call Bitcoin. A sat at a time.
You'll find that some of the best minds in the space hang out here. Take it from someone who has learned a lot in the past few months.
That's all I want. I'm not great technically. But the last few years digging and digging into this space. And I've dug deep and far beyond my reaches. Sometimea needing to go back over things again after something else clicking.
This is exactly one of those many stepping stones of ah-hah moments I've had along the way. And also a fun and silly simple way to just spread around some of the sats. Micro payment use case approved, let's go!
Logging in with lnurl has been a game changer for me. Every time i have to type in a username and password now i get pissed
I agree. This changes everything. Interoperability between devices is so easy too. I never used to log into reddit mobile because I did not have passwords saved on my phone. LN URL fixes all of that.
Exactly! I just now signed into my iPad by simply scanning a QR code, that’s a game changer
Sats for karma is genius.
I can already tell I'm funding this wallet with a few hundred here and there just to spread the addiction. Came to stack end up at the beginning of a whole circular economy
I literally just arrived a few days before you. Loving it here so far. Let’s learn together!
Onward into the pit.
Follow the rabbit. And dont forget to keep sharing your experiences. If they are valuable to someone else, you'll gets your sats as well.
I feel like the rabbit may just be a honey badger. Or maybe I've watched Monty Python too many times. I'm following something.