Nostr is promising, but still young. Some important problems (e.g. spam) have not yet been solved. Nostr is a flexible protocol, so there's a good possibility that those problems will be solved eventually.
I think there is, at the moment, a little bit too much hype around Nostr. It's not ready for the main stage, because the available software is too new. It's great that Jack Dorsey has contributed money to development of Nostr software. But we shouldn't pile onto Nostr as if it's a finished product ready to be consumed by any rando off the street.
I would like to see less hype, and more contributions..
For me personally, not really excited like many other people. I never used twatter and will never use. Nostr? Maybe I will use it, sometimes when I really have to say something. But not for chatting like others do.
  1. Is just another twitter style social media. Yeah bla bla is decentralized etc but what is the real purpose of using it?
  2. People right now are using it more to post spam and chat useless things. Nostr is not supposed to be that. Is supposed to be more like a public announcement board. I post a phrase, an announcement and some people will reply with something interesting. Using it as a public chat is useless and dumb. We already have many other apps for that.
  3. Is still early, many things have to be fixed, improved etc. Right now all twatters want to migrate and move all the shit from twatter to nostr. This is just another shitcoinery and make nostr another garbage.
  4. Using nostr will NOT make you free. People have this wrong mentality that if they have a platform where they can say anything they want, means they get their "freedom". No fucking way, that is just a useless thing, if the govs are still oppressing you and you just continue to obey them. STOP obeying govs and be responsible for your own actions, then you will be indeed a free man. Learn how to be a sovereign individual and not an obedient citizen (aka slave).
What is FREEDOM?
nostr is a protocol for data storage and querying. One implementation of the protocol is "decentralized twatter" . I think nostr could could have an interesting dynamic if used together with ln and the right incentives. On its own, I'm not so sure yet
One reason I like nostr is to get away from social media that serves up content based on algos. Twitter is actually okay when you sort your posts only by latest instead of "top" posts. Then you see only what your follows are posting and come to the end of the content rather than being constantly served up an endless stream. However the people I follow may not be doing that and there is probably some spillover from the algo into my feed because of it. Also Musk treating Twitter as his own little playground is problematic for me.
Right now there is a constant stream of posts on nostr and it's easy to get sucked in for hours. At least it's just a raw feed, though, and not some carefully calculated system to drive "engagement" and sell ads.
Nostr is a decentralized network based on cryptographic key pairs and that is not peer-to-peer, it is super simple and scalable and therefore has a chance of working.
I'm very excited about nostr. It's not really social media, it's certainly not an app, and I would agree with another reply that it's definitely not ready for prime time. It's a protocol with the potential to revolutionize how we access the internet. It is potentially very decentralized, uncensorable and secure, but there is a long road ahead before these goals are met.
Freaking love it! :-)