This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Merry Christmas fellow plebs!
Merry Christmas psychopaths!
Merry Christmas Bitcoiners!
Hope Santa gets you all the sats you wanted this year.
Fixing issues in my Nostr search index
Merry Xmas! Guess my Xmas gift to myself is finding Stacker News a week before Xmas. So happy to learn more about BTC, stack some sats n spend it on others (without feeling the need to hoard). Win win win
It's too cold.
What temp is it where you're at?
Good morning gang, well it's Christmas eve today so it will be a busy, busy day, got to cook dinner, apple pork leg, Fettuccine Alfredo with shrimp and apple salad, as I said, BUSY. Coffee is brewed and smells good guys, I wish you all a phenomenal day and a merry Christmas, may you be filled with blessings and an absolute fantastic closure of the year. Be well and good vibes peeps. Stay frosty
happy holidays btcoiners! so much to do his weekend. I hope I can do one of the things, at least. Wishing you all a fantastic weekend. Come to brunch tomorrow if you're in Miami. And spread lots of love and joy.
Good morning!
Perhaps I should've asked this here instead of a post?
maybe just not in the middle of the night in the USA?