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In my case: At the moment existing ERP systems don't play well with BTC or LN. Also orange-pilling suppliers is necessary.
Mostly the regulation and reporting requirements with regards to government taxation. It needs better clarity as well as adaptation to be more viable in general.
You have a lame useless excuse... You don't need to change your system in order to accept BTC. You adapt to taking BTC as payment and done.
Obviously, you are not running a larger business which accepts payments.
Of course, everything can be done if there is enough will, but the question is a good one.
I am the business... and I accept only BTC. For many years I am paid only in BTC. I stopped using bank accounts back in 2018. We are not the same...
My point exactly. YOU are the business and accept ONLY bitcoin.
More power to you, but normal business cannot integrate it so easily (i do not mean technical integration, more logistics what happens after and wether it even make sense in terms of ROI).
You r funny. Perhaps you should write a detailed guide on your business internals, so those of us who are ngmi and have valid concerns can have a chance:).
все кто не могут внедрить в свою компанию биткоин так и останутся перед горизонтом событий...ИМХО
Google translate:
everyone who cannot implement bitcoin into their company will remain in front of the event horizon ... IMHO
I run a mortgage brokerage and we cant possibly get paid in btc because the settlememt companies dont pay out in btc :(
With that said weve built up a decent treasury via dca 😎
This is a good question. Very interesting to hear other comments.
For me, it is the extra accounting headache which goes into reporting the LN purchases. Another system to get reports from and adapt to my accountant's liking (I wish there was an app for that ;)).
Plus, in my experience, your business has to be in some way related to crypto or have a large crypto audience following in order for it to be even used as a payment method. On top of that, I think that only the OGs will pay with BTC. If you bought it witihn the last few years, you are probably not going to pay with it.
  1. Disclaimer: I don't have a business.
  2. BTCmap.org is there to provide this information. Now wherever I go I look on this map to check if I can spend some sats in the area.
  3. Just buy back sats you've spent as an addition to the DCA. Load a couple hundred bucks on a lighting wallet and give yourself a chance to support the adoption.
I don't have a business :(