There is good proof that Bitcoin is the perfect hedge against money debasement. Just compare the different asset classes from the beginning of the covid hype. It suffered from the collapse of M2 and it will rise exponentialy from it's groth.
Dealing within reality is not dystopian; it is just reality and those that thrive through adversity are the ones that best adapt. And, it is also why bitcoin is such a great source of optimism and hope for those who do adapt. Bitcoin provides a light at the end of the tunnel, a solution to the ultimate problem. If not for a solution in hand, it might be very reasonable to be pessimistic about the future. Thankfully, the world has already adapted to create a solution to the broken structure of the dollar. Most people just don’t know it yet.
Bitcoin is not a hedge against inflation; it is the permanent solution to inflation, and those are two very different things.
Great essay. Well-argued and very helpful to see the macroeconomic data teased out of often-confusing data sets.
I got more out of it the second time through, which suggests deeper insights.
Thank you for sharing your work Parker.
It's the hedge against the whole fiat ponzi!
And the sun is not bright.
Agreed. The sun is not smart…