Nostr is the new shiny thing, and has interesting and promising technology, well beyond the social media use case.
But SN is much more mature, the incentives have been very carefully designed and time tested, to provide the best possible content to the readers. There's just less noise on sn, compared to nostr and I personally value this a lot, quality over quantity.
It seems those currently working on nostr clients are just focusing on replacing Twitter, or creating a better version of it.
I don't want to sound like I'm telling the owners of this platform how they should run their business, but imho, if they leverage the nostr protocol in one way or another, they will have a significant advantage over the rest of the competition, for the reasons mentioned above.
Don't get me wrong. I love SN. So does @JB55 (Damus dev). But I think you're wrong about @fiatjaf (nostr creator/dev) recreating Twitter. That's not correct. How certain devs develop on top of nostr (the protocol) might be doing that, and Damus is a good example, but the protocol is so open-ended that the sky's the limit as to what can be achieved.
That's my 2 sats but I get where you are coming from.
I was not referring to the protocol recreating Twitter, but to most of the current apps. It was not a criticism per se, because I think it is the most sensible and natural development path. To be fair, I'm also seeing more and more apps implementing the protocol in different and innovative ways.