This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
20% of high-school students can't read. It is a significant piece of evidence that schools don't make people smarter.
Working on Search Bots for Nostr at
Ordered The Bitcoin Standard from my local library. Keeping that money to stack sats 😉
Libby and Hoopla are great for checking out audiobooks for free.
Yea I used Libby in the past. Pretty good but audiobooks aren't my jam so much. Id rather get sats from podcasts if I'm listening to something.
You can also use Libby for ebooks but I prefer physical personally.
How do you order a book "for a library"? I would love to do the same!
Yea my library network allows people to request books for them to buy. I the post above I just meant I put in an order for pickup. The Boston area library network already has like a dozen Bitcoin Standard books circulating apparently!
Most library websites allow you to request books for pickup. They'll do the work of finding it for you, and put it in a designated area for pickup.
If they don't have the book, you can donate a copy or request that they buy it.
I think @jimmysong donated a bunch of copies of Programming Bitcoin to the Austin Library because they have like 5. It might just also be that frequently requested ... when I was looking for a copy they were all checked out.
For the record, I did not donate any copies to any libraries. I didn't even know they were available there!
such a good idea
Sometimes using windows at work super annoying. random files not working network issues. so much productivity is lost to IT issues
Keep stacking
Listening to Santos teaching about LN at - nice job
There was a post or comment not so long ago about proxying price API requests instead of having browsers directly getting the price from Coinbase, thus potentially leaking their IP to them. As I understand it'd take some work (probably needs caching on the proxy), wouldn't a good intermediate step be to have the option in the settings to totally disable any fiat-related stuff? Ticker would then always show "1 sat = 1 sat" when this option is enabled, and no request would be sent to Coinbase.
Yes I think it could be done. I think it doesn't even need a setting.
It should only fetch the price if the user is currently looking at the price imo.
I think I can create a MR for that today, then @k00b can take a look at it.
Well, with the ticker in the header users are kind of always "looking" at the price, aren't them? Or maybe deactivate getting the price if users set the "1 sat = 1 sat" view, if it's what you mean? But then it wouldn't be as straight forward to users that one of the differences is that they don't request data from Coinbase, while it could be made clear w/ a settings. Just my 2 sats :)
Or maybe deactivate getting the price if users set the "1 sat = 1 sat" view, if it's what you mean?
Yeah, that's what I meant
But then it wouldn't be as straight forward to users that one of the differences is that they don't request data from Coinbase, while it could be made clear w/ a settings. Just my 2 sats :)
Good point, but I assumed people who care about stuff like this would notice without a setting since the price data must be coming from somewhere
But yeah, maybe the fiat currency dropdown can show a "disabled" entry.
I assumed people who care about stuff like this would notice without a setting since the price data must be coming from somewhere
maybe I am biased here as a dev. Could be that people would care if they would know even though they don't know how to check for stuff like this. So it's not as simple as I described
Could be that people would care if they would know even though they don't know how to check for stuff like this. So it's not as simple as I described
Exactly, I think there's a good crowd that cares but isn't even necessarily aware that an external API is being polled.
Good morning peeps, well it's Monday and the pastures are green, it has been a while since we saw some green candles out there and it is good, just stay frosty and don't get cocky, hope you all have a wonderful day and it's time to get cracking, enjoy your caffeine dose and be well my good friends!!
It is nice to see some green. It's been so long I forgot what it's like. However, I think the Barry Silbert, DCG GBTC Genesis mess will provide more cheap stacking opportunities before long.
Won 10,000 sats by participating in a random Twitter giveaway organised by @BriandeMint! I really love the Lightning Network ⚡️ as well as the generosity of Bitcoiners!
Have 1,000 more
Yeah, I am pretty blown away by the general support bitcoiners have for each other and new projects etc.
Not to be a debbie downer but 10k sats is not even 2 bucks 😂 I got more than that on fold card this morning.
Yeah I hear you, but still, that is not even possible on fiat rails. Microtransaction support like this changes everything.