Yours is the first article I've seen here. Well said. Your style resembles the UK, am I right?
I only see two obvious benefits of a sats-based media like this one. The first is its largely self-sorting bots and trolls. I doubt a troll would want to pay a publisher much if they only want to throw around insults. On the other hand, if someone feels strongly enough to pay to engage in criticism, that provides some credibility to their intentions.
The other benefit is direct payment and immediate financial returns. Even if sites like this skim the payments, at least you see payment immediately. There is less possibility of demonetization since the funds are coming directly from the readers. It moves the motivation of an author from one of social gratification to directly serving the desires of the audience. Your choice of words or one of topic is driven more by what your audience requests of you and less from the eggshells-on-a-tightrope experience imposed by the woke HR and marketing departments of publicly traded corporations (AKA government-worker-pension owned and government directed mega-fund influenced shell corporations).
We are in the infancy of a new world, and I'm excited for the reforms bitcoin will bring