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Building my own! A long time ago I was an active Twitter user, but if you're a power user Twitter has always left little to be desired. When major world events happen, I love being able to go to Twitter and see things play out in real time. It has always been a powerful tool for tracking info during events like this.
A good example is the Ukrainian war with Russia. The OSINT people relied on twitter heavily and I found that in order to track all the things happening accurately a signular feed could not work. I found Tweetdeck, which offers a completely different Twitter experience. I learned Tweetdeck was a third party service that leveraged Twitters API. Twitter later bought Tweetdeck out and has not developed it very much since.
The reason for that story is this. I am deeply attracted to the idea that I can build out my own experience from the ground up. If I want a multi feed experience, I can build that and build in any amount of filtering I want in order to surface the most important info.
And that is the beautiful thing. There is plenty of room for MULTIPLE clients to exist because each client can access the same data, but deliver a completely and radically different experience. Literally anything from old school BBS to a Reddit clone.
When the internet was released to the general public, people incorrectly assumed that meant the free and liberal flow of information. At best, that was always an illusion.
Nostr represents for the first time in the Internets history a truly free way to flow information in a way that is accessible via traditional networks, and not through networks such as Tor.
So let me be clear: I am stating that for the first time in human history, similar to what Bitcoin has done for value systems, Nostr allows for truly free and unfiltered flow of information. For better or for worse, that is important to understand and all of its implications.
I am striving to do everything (reading, social) in my RSS reading app.
Is there any NOSTR client that can export my following list to RSS or ATOM by any chance?
What are you looking for in terms of features? It wouldn't be too hard to build out something that can dump out info by connecting to a Nostr relay and convert it to RSS
Not sure this question makes much sense - you'd have to ask "What nostr client are you using for X" to get a proper answer. Nostr can be used for all sorts of things, and comparing a Twitter like client to a Telegram one doesn't make all that much sense IMO.
Astral. Waiting for proper Android app.
Tweetdeck clone using Nostr:
Personally I use many different clients, all of them have different feature sets.
I am really starting to like Coracle.social. It is snappy and the interface is well designed from a users point of view.
please please put your android apps to play store alpha/beta/whatever program so I don't have to chase down and upgrade .apk files manually.
It's a lot easier to deal with compared to testflight so I have no idea why devs avoid it.
Still lost on how to even access it android user here but I am very curious and interested!! Someone help!!!
still seeing what I can do on it am very lost still i get that its only a messaging system guess as time goes on and i keep reading on it i'll see the glory that is nostr appreciate the link @senf any advice will be greatly appreciated!
I actually use quite a few Nostr clients on a daily basis. Damus, Iris, Snort, Gossip and the one I'm building right now, 🥚ggNostr.
They all have strengths and weaknesses. Damus is great overall, Iris is beautiful and always shows the post that was replied to. Snort has a waterfall stream of new posts coming in without having to click a "show new messages" button.
Damus for posting and mobile stuff. snort.social for reading (logged in with pubkey)
snort.social and astral depending on which laptop I am on!
https://iris.to is damn nice
You can use it on Android too with Kiwi browser + nos2x/alby extension.
Damus is what I use now
Damus osx desktop (cuz got android phone. like Damus cuz im on laptop a lot)
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