This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
To me "Not your keys, not your coins" also means "ignore the exchange rate" and "dont trust, verify" do you know what i mean? Its a powerful practice but i might be wrong
It is kinda sad that every day ppl go to work for fiat.
Ads from dbrand are the only ads I like receiving and actually read. The most recent one has a fine print on the bottom:
When we approached a traditional publishing house about producing the dbrand Manifesto, they turned down the job. When pressed for a reason, they remarked that they "already had enough FBI investigations on their plate." They must not have known about our considerable expertise in dealing with the FBI. It took some digging, but we were able to locate the agent on their case... before ensuring he wouldn't ever be located again. After planting some photographs of our handiwork in the publisher’s office, we left an anonymous tip and had them framed for our crimes. If they’re so unwilling to produce the Manifesto, they can distract the FBI while we do it ourselves.
I don't know, but something tickles my senses with MOTIV (motivngo). A lot of fancy images and statements, but there is zero verifiable information presented. Like where are the 16 circular economies in Peru? How many people are in those, what are they using - are they on Muun or BTCPay, etc? I'm in Peru and I'm unable to find any info. Does anyone know the people or have any more details?
See the difference with e.g. @BitcoinJungleCR. BitcoinJungle has a lot of clear information & videos, I know exactly where the places are, when I mentioned that I really enjoyed shrimp in one restaurant in Uvita, they hooked that restaurant up with BTCPay POSs...
Been working on getting my shop in front of more audience at LightningNetworkStores and Plebian Market
I watched Netflix's Trust No One: The hunt for the Crypto King documentary and I can tell you for a fact - Not your keys, not your coins.
Good green morning my friends!! It's a good day out there in the markets and the air feels cool and refreshing, feeling good and coffee is warm and energetic, hope you have a great day today and feel the good vibes running through your being, be well and stay frosty my friends!!