Sorry, but I don't believe anything that comes from a "leaked" document from Pentagon or any gov institution... All these "leaks" are part of a larger manipulation program, that started many decades ago. Simply never trust anything that comes from a gov. NOTHING.
Assuming it's true, it exposes the huge difference between fiat and bitcoin. Their "war games" assume theft and violence, the antithesis of bitcoin. The only realistic scenario will be violence initiated by the government.
Not really sure that's how the planned rebellion will happen - I don't see the majority of people conspiring to overthrow the government, just to use a new form of money.
It seems like "Bitcoin" was just placed here as an example of an alternative monetary asset that isn't part of the traditional system. In fact, it would have been better for their purposes if they put in something with greater privacy guarantees
очень поздно они что то начали понимать... значит совсем тупенькие там остались... ладно пусть дальше бюрократией занимаются...