Is it possible to enter the blixt 24 words into sparrow or another wallet? I'm getting invalid checksum when I do that. Does blixt implement BIP39 differently to other wallets?
I'm having a situation now where my blixt seems to not be syncing, I sent some funds to the default address and they are not showing up :p
sorry, if this is not the right place to get help. I just thought maybe someone here on stacker news knows something...
Yes, it's possible. You can read DarthCoin's article here for different options (including for Sparrow):
Blixt Wallet uses lnd internally. Lnd does not use BIP39 seeds, instead it's using something called aezseed.
Worked! used sparrow and swept the funds back where I can access them (will try to start a fresh blixt wallet and experiment with it from there)
@hampus @DarthCoin you both rock! Sent you a small token of appreciation to your addresses for a coffee or something. Cheers!
Thank you! May The Bitcoin Be With You!