Recommendations: store the issues in the git repo itself. New issues are “pull requests” to the main repo but ux should abstract that away … (Pull requests are really just metadata about a branch’s link to other branches.)
Use nostr for discovery, profiles, reputation, and other types of metadata.
I’d recommend not hosting files on nostr, but merely point to a git repo hosted at a public IP/domain or attempt some kind of NAT hole punching.
Haven't looked more into this, but there is project about doing bug / issue tracking in pure git itself -
Also, meta issue about decentralized / federated GitHub alternative -
I remember coming across git-bug when I was building ... It's how I was planning to do issues.
I’d recommend not hosting files on nostr, but merely point to a git repo hosted at a public IP/domain
Why not though? A relay might advertise that it's willing to host git files.
That's fair actually! I was mostly saying don't store git repos as nostr messages.