This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
@k00b I notice something interesting in the top weekly results. I am the 2nd after you 😂😂😂!
The thing is that I do not deserve to be there. Most of those sats are not "stacked" but forwarded. Last week I posted quite a lot with the option to forward all tips to X SN user (I used various, depending on the who was the original creator).
Maybe in the future you could show in that report a separate section for forwarded sats/tips, and show only the real stacked sats. Yes I know votes are separate, but that sats quantity wasn't in reality stacked by me and is a bit confusing for others. I know what am I forwarding, but others don't.
Ah, I might not be taking into account forwarding. That’s a bug. Good eye!
Yeah, now I am just a money transmitter without gov license hahaha
For the V 4 V: I am thinking on What to be done for human beings to be rewarded (VALUED) everyday just for being alive. Just thinking my thoughts.
Looking for an idea for a website using sats .... But it s though as u know
Do you have a favourite Lightning Network wallet?
I quite like Muun, but for one thing. Its invoice exceeds 280 characters, which forbids me from taking part in sats giveaways on Twitter. That’s why I use Blue Wallet as a default.
Breez is my goto non-custodial-lightning-node-on-a-phone.
If you run a node at home, I really like Zeus.
Are Breez fees less than Phoenix?
OBW is cool, I also like Breez
Hello everyone, what a nice little Saturday as Frank The Tank would say, it's green pastures in the market and it is good, perhaps it's a day for a dip in the pool or a nice walk around the park, coffee dose is flowing and the air feels good, let's just relax and let the market do its thing, be well everyone and I wish you an incredible weekend and lots of fun, stay frosty gang!!!
I am trying to know the bills lawmakers from the U.S states of Mississippi and Missouri have introduced that seek to legally protect their citizens’ rights to run a Bitcoin node and to mine BTC.
I'm never happy. This price run is just making me regret not buying even more while the price was in the teens. I'm working on my zen "ignore the price" mindset, but I'm weak.
I wouldn't get into FOMO. We are still at a win-win juncture (IMO.)
If you believe it won't return to 16k, you are still at the floor of a massive run-up and the only potential downside is tripling your investment by the end of the next bull-cycle.
If you believe this is a dead-cat bounce, and its destined to hit new lows such as sub-10k before the next bull-run, then you should be certain that you hadn't missed catching the falling knife.
If you don't believe 1 bitcoin will eventually approach or exceed a billion in today's dollars when it becomes the only desirable medium of exchange, then why are you here?
Weird feeling depressed seeing price go up. Wanted to stack more.
All my powder in January was saved for paying quarterly taxes and I let the bears convince me we were going lower... 😭
This could be a dead cat bounce. Sats could be on fire sale by summer.
его $ не интересуют))) не шути так с другими)))