A few months back, fiatjaf suggested Bitcoiners attack other chains.
He suggested attacking Ethereum and Monero. I may have some ethical qualms with the Monero part, since there may be some people who live in authoritarian countries that rely on it, but it is an interesting strategy. (Monero is #26 by Marketcap)
For one, if Bitcoiners destroyed your beloved shitcoin, would you then become a Bitcoiner? Maybe not. However, new people enter the cryptocurrency space every day, and if there are less alts out there, more may become Bitcoiners. Since such a small amount of the world is a Bitcoiner currently, it's important think about the normies enterring the space, which I'm guessing doubles every cycle, at least.
I understand attacking Ethereum more. It's the #2 spot. Ethereum has also many times, in promoting itself, done so by pointing out things Bitcoin can't do. Other coins, such as Solana or Ripple may actually have been funding PR attacks against Bitcoin.
Attacking these coins could have a lot of merit. Not just for chasing users, but for refunding these misinformation campaigns.
Another institution that would benefit Bitcoin & Bitcoiners to defund is BSV. The coins value literally funds court costs to sue Bitcoin developers and content creators. An incredibly small amount of BTC's hashrate can be used to 51% attack their network, and since, they think "non-mining nodes" aka "nodes" are "useless" users have no way of rejecting this majority hashrate.
I think even to the average non-maximalist "crypto enthusiast" Craig is a joke/the bad guy, and suing people for putting the White Paper online is generally seen as not amiable behavior. However, I am not sure if attacking other coins will be seen favorably by the crypto community. And remember, most maximalists didn't start out that way.
Since it wouldn't be seen as favourable behavior by the community doesn't necessarily mean that nobody should do it, but rather, nobody should admit that they did it publicly. Which I know would be pretty hard, because one would want to brag that they brought down whatever coin.
I suppose, if people suspected Bitcoiners were attacking them, I fear it could bring retaliation. To everyone who is thinking "Bring it!!," remember the Lightning Network is not necessary as resistant to attacks as the base layer. By Any means.
Anyway, what do you guys think? Should effort be put into this? What about towards coins that have been hostile to Bitcoin?
Ethereum will eventually destroy itself, get regulated into oblivion or co-opted by the state. We just need to keep hammer the point home "bitcoin not crypto". People will resist and mock us as stupid maxis and things like FTX collapse will continue to happen or Ethereum will push back stake withdrawals or inflate supply when their moronic artificial supply squeeze fails.
Bitcoiners can also win but absolutely refusing to use any exchange or financial services company that isn't bitcoin only. Shitcoin casino (thank you to whoever came up with that) is a very effective attack on these companies. I like to refer to shitcoins using terms like unethical and immoral (they are).
Maybe we should put a geyser campaign together to finance some content creators to make SNL type of skits about shitcoins and shitcoin casinos. Get people laughing but also thinking "damn they are mocking me". I could see a weekend update type of skit talking about monkey jpegs selling for 2M or an interview with Richard Hart and it is just a peacock with a microphone in front of it. Or a "badfellas" skit with SBF, Machinsky, Do Kwon and Razelkhan trying to plan their next move but they are hapless nerds not gangsters.
Or maybe something like the old "more you know" campaigns on NBC. Or smokey the bear PSAs.
We could create a Bitcoin Not Crypto non profit public advocacy group and crowdfund it.
Likely much more productive to focus on building on Bitcoin, rather than destroying shitcoins - they are rather good at doing that themselves.
Well said
If you understand bitcoin you'll know that there is no need to attack the shitcoins (beyond memes and honest-ish critique).
These being inferior to bitcoin, the market does the job you are thinking the bitcoin community might want to do. The ones were well funded may take longer until the premined coins are spent, or become too worthless to continue propping up that shitcoin's development and ecosystem, but eventually that happens.
Nop, focus on your bitcoin skills and let the bodies flow in the river.
I believe it was just trolling from fiatjaf meanwhile the one that is down is his lntbox. sad news btw
This is the fuckin' way
все монеты нейтральные... они лишь копия от биткоина) все что есть в других монетах и будет востребованно , перетекет в биткоин)) так что не стоит волноваться)))
Просто найди антивирус для биткоина и живи спокойно)))
I mean, I know it's not necessary for Bitcoin to win. However, it could speed things up.
не совсем... сначала нужно проверить технологии на копиях и на том как они работают))) пусть будут потом применим... через 5-10 лет.... или это долго??? Вы хотите ускорить процесс??? тогда нужно задействовать очень много ресурсов. напрмер 50% цены каждый день в верх... что б свести с ума всех трейдеров и инвесторов... и предложить инвестировать их биткоины в новый холодный термоядерный синтез... это поможет