Nice write up! Agree with you that for quick onboarding is easier and reliable to use a custodial or semi-custodial LN wallet.
I myself onboarded hundreds of nocoiners during all these 10+ years I have in Bitcoinlandia.
And that's why I start writing Bitcoin guides for all these ex-nocoiners that now want to learn more.
For your next experiments, please consider reading these guides and even shgare with your noobs:
Thanks for the recommendations. Great stuff, great agenda for sending to some of my friends and peers over here that don't have tech background like myself. Thats exactly what we need to catch up with this fast moving development. Greets from Málaga.
Just reading through all the content now.
These are some amazing guides, really great work!!
This is exactly what we needed at the beginning. I think our users be fine from here.
Thank you so much!
Great home work for the next few days :)