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How do you pay for the electricity that charges your phone to type all this non sense? In all the countries I lived electricity or gas had taxes.
I can't understand how you are so wise in some areas and such a non sense brain in others
The fact that you live under a rock, it doesn't mean everybody else also live under a rock...
Sure, but you are not responding to the question of how you deal to get electricity, gas for your vehicle, or any goods and services to survive without paying taxes.
I only know 1 way where that's possible, and is from mommies basement.
Did you read ALL my guides? I wrote several of them...
I read your guides, definitely not all of them, you are very prolifient. And I thank you again for your work.
Still, that list is not putting food in your plate, gas in your car, or stuff in your house. You are paying taxes the same as the rest of us.
I pay for all my expenses in BTC. I do not pay taxes. Simple as that.
If you can't do that, you are still a slave. Sorry.
If that is true, may the force be with you.