This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
@k00b can you add to your SN node LNDHUB ? So all SN accounts could be used also as lndhub accounts out of SN, like lntxbot, LNtipBot, LNbits, bluewallet etc
It could be easily added to Zeus, Bluewallet, Alby and used as a regular LN wallet. No more complications to think about creating a SN wallet.
The freedom money series that Odell is doing with bitcoin magazine is very high quality. I am going to share the videos with my mom so she can understand why I’m so passionate about bitcoin
I'm trying to connect to with Zeus to my node through wireguard. unsuccessfully.
Started out on Nostr today.
Started with the newly released Amethyst app for Android. It was working okay.. but started to crash on launch. Still not working.
I moved onto - it's pretty nice looking already.. however for some reason it has not carried over the majority of my follows/followers.. but it did carry over all my posts etc. Very strange - any ideas? 😅
Today I applied for a Mobile Engineer job position at CoinKite via SN jobs tab.
I was contacted by someone on Telegram to help fix a ListView scrollable bug on the Nostr client he was working on in Flutter. After spending 2+ hours trying to solve version conflict issues related to their project and my PC's Flutter installation, I found out that the project was not functioning. Unfortunately, this meant that the time I spent on it was wasted.
I then worked on my own project, LightningX, to try and solve a 307 POST response issue while creating an invoice. I soon discovered that the package I was using (dio) was buggy and was causing the error. This was an additional waste of time.
Today was also my birthday, but I still don't have a job, so I postponed my birthday celebration until I am able to start working and earning money as a mobile app dev.
That's all for today. Bye.
[If you know someone who is hiring mobile app dev or in general flutter dev please redirect them to me 🙏]
SN, tip this man!
Thank you so much for your generous tip! Your kindness is greatly appreciated.
Happy birthday!
I'd reach out to bitcoin companies with mobile apps directly and see if they're hiring for flutter devs. I know Fountain uses Flutter and I think Fedi too, but I'm unsure if either is hiring.
Thank you so much for your kind wishes! I'm checking the Bitcoiners job website and the SN Jobs tab daily for mobile app dev jobs. I have applied for Swan and Coinkite so far but have not received any response yet. I am hopeful that I will get a positive response soon. I really appreciate your help and advice. Thank you again 🙏
Howdy peeps!!! Well its nice and sunny now here and the air feels cool, my hot cup of Java is right next to me and I was pondering on how January went so fast, insanely fast, right? So let's enjoy the rest of it and squeeze all the goodness out of it, I wish you all an amazing Saturday and Carpe Diem my friends! Be well and stay frosty!!
I was surfing YouTube last night and began watching videos about the inflation disaster unfolding in Pakistan. The human suffering is horrifying. The government is now asking the US to intervene to convince the IMF for a bailout.
Alex Gladstein should explain to the citizens that begging the IMF for help won't solve anything. None of the news reporting makes the connection between the US Fed's interest rate policy and the debasement of the Rupee.
заложил биткоин обменял на доллар купил нужный товар в америке товар уже пришел хотя цена и была выше средней на 12% ... это инфляция... вот так можно перенаправить 99% инфляции из своей страны в другую... теперь понимаешь что биткоин делает? после того как курс выростет в 2 раза я лишь половину верну обратно. а это говорит о том что так можно делать вечено с биткоин)))
At last the week end: I m taking care of the plants today (water, quit dead leaves, turn the pot to 180...)