That's great that you're taking the time to watch the lectures and learn more about Bitcoin. I'm sure you're learning a lot and it's great that you're taking the initiative to learn. I highly recommend reading Andreas Antonopoulos's book "Mastering the Lightning Network" too. It's full of great information and insight, packed with amazing knowledge and can be quite mind-blowing!
Great suggestion. On youtube there is a series of videos which is sort of like a book club, where Mastering the Lightning Network is read out loud, chapter by chapter, and then discussed. It's called Mastering the Lightning Network Reading Group I'm enjoying it, but I'm taking my time, since there's a lot to digest. Again, it's over my head, but I find this type of learning is better for me than plowing through a book.
Thanks a lot for the suggestion! I'm definitely going to check out the Mastering the Lightning Network Reading Group. I love that there is a way to learn this material in a more interactive way. I'm also aware of the Bitcoin Design community - I've heard great things about them! (also referring to their design guide)
Personally, I prefer reading books. I find that I'm able to take more time to process the information and take more notes. But I'm sure that the videos will be an interesting way to learn too!
Best of luck to you on your learning journey!
I'm a voracious reader, but unfortunately tech stuff doesn't come naturally to me.