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does anyone know of a wallet that can generate a reusable LN address?
this would be very useful for merchants to receive payments (just place a wall sticker with the qr code) or for content creators to accept donations. I'm looking for something that does not require me to operate my own LN node (because setting it up is an obstacle for most people)
Afaik, getalby is a good solution but requires the other party to have it installed as a browser extension, so other wallets cant send sats to a <username>@getalby.com "address".
This website is a good simple resource for Lightning addresses: https://lightningaddress.com/
  • Stacker news is giving you a LN address and LNURL
  • LNtipBot LN address + LNURL + donation page
  • WoS - LN address + LNURL
  • CoinOS - LNUIRL + LN Address + many more things
  • Phoenix also can create amountless LN invoice that can be shared
Afaik, getalby is a good solution but requires the other party to have it installed as a browser extension, so other wallets cant send sats to a <username>@getalby.com "address".
Your assumption is wrong. ANY LN wallet that support to send to LNURL can send to a LN address. You don't need to use it only with Alby browser extension.
Please read more about many LN wallets capabilities on my guide https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/lightning-wallets-comparison
can you also tell me (maybe share a url to a guide) how to get a LN address and LNURL via Stackernews?
LOL man is so fricking easy, don't you get it? base58@stacker.news
i didn't know about it hahha
what about the LNURL? how i know what is the lnurl associated with "based58@stacker.news" or with "based58@getalby.com" ?
Put any LN address in it and decode it.
Any LN address is actually a LNURL. Any LNURL is actually a LN invoice, only that is calling a web server to generate it. So every time you use a LN address, you actually generate a LN invoice from the destination wallet.
LN is magic!
I love high effort posts like yours.
thank you! I appreciate your very informative answer
Yes. Lightning tip bot on telegram gives you a reusable LNURL and @ address (amuna1225@ln.tips) is mine.
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