Calling all Bitcoin builders!
Leave a comment below to let the SN community know what you're working on this week. It doesn't matter how big or small your project is, or how much progress you've made.
Just share what you're up to, and let the community know if you want any feedback or help.
If you missed last week's thread, here are the updates SN users shared from all their latest work projects.
I just shipped bech32 encoded nostr pubkeys for our NIP-05 support, because @dk is making a video today and I wanted that to be easier.
I'm currently creating an easter egg for SN. It's pretty much done save some details and testing. Will probably ship it this evening.
The rest of the week I might work on a few small things and:
  1. journal about SN to see what my subconscious has to say
  2. research
Been working on a newer version of for the past few weeks after a brief hiatus. Will have tons of new features I believe this community would love!
can’t wait to see the new release!
On the plebminer wave and tidying up my asic home heating setup. Been a warm winter so ive got away with putting it off.
Working since 10 y on the same project, compression. I am trying to find way's to compress the BTC blockchain to max 100GB (lossless) to be able to run a full node on every smartphone with 128GB of storage. Will i ever succeed... no clue... but it would be one of the biggest achivements :-)
All over the place this week:
Finishing up a Bitcoin Lightning and WooCommerce site build
Working on a FOSS Swift Lightning App for IOS phones
And we put up a bunch of open source Bitcoin and Lightning images as part of the "Bitcoin for Devs" Saylor Academy course.
Check them out (and use them) here:
Back to writing more code again for Mutiny. We're splitting out our code into multiple repo's so we added an organization repo here:
Also doing general code maintenance before we start to ramp up. We've done a lot of.. hacky things during the 6 week hackathon lol. So much to go back and do properly.
We also set up our mutiny twitter account so give that a follow if you wish:
Building a kotlin library for cashu (mobile native cashu wallet soonish?) .
MVP of the crypto scheme implementation is ✅
I am adding fine permissions to Nostore.
Editing a long video for my BTC Youtube channel ( about Bitcoin Nodes, solving many doubts about it. Will be published next week.
I just made a lightning paywall using the API of a company that was founded by some dude I met at a Bitcoin meetup!
And yes, I used ChatGPT and Copilot to help me code it because my day job is EMS, not IT.
i m trying to build ESP32_NerdMiner
Currently editing a new episode on my podcast, will be dropping tomorrow!
learning more about how databases work this week and trying out some new sql commands with the help of chatgpt