Good morning everyone,
As stated in my introduction post, I am starting to understand and appreciate the different characteristics of Bitcoin and how the road to the Bitcoin Golden Age will provide financial freedom.
I would like to share with you guys the way I am trying to integrate Bitcoin in my life and any comments, tips or constructive criticism is really appreciated.
For starter, for the past year, while I was searching for the next 10x Shitcoin Ponzy scheme, I was seeing some plebs preaching that BTC was money and not Cryptocurrency. I knew back then that BTC was a store of value but brushed away that BTC could replace money since transaction confirmation were not that quick.
It is only until recently that I have decided to try out the Lightning Network out of curiosity. By doing so, I have discovered a whole new world that provided me with quick transaction with practically no fees. Since then, I have decided to jump into the BTC = Money wagon and this is how I am experimenting it.
I currently treat my BTC into 2 buckets. I have my BTC on-chain that I have as a "Saving Account" (Vaulted in several HW) and I have some BTC on LN that I am using as a "Chequing Account".
I personally live on a budget so every month I have money allocated to different categories. I am currently experimenting with my "gas" bucket.
This is how it works:
- At the beginning of the month, I convert my gas bucket into BTC
- I transfert my BTC to my LN wallet
- When I need gas, I buy a gift card using "Bitrefill"
- At the end of the month, I keep the leftover money in my LN
- Once I have a nice amount left over from previous months, I will send it On Chain to my saving account (HW)
Up to now, Its going great.
What about you guys? What are your tricks? What services do you use to be able to spend your BTC IRL?
Let me know!